
St. Mary's Watershed Dendrology


Soil and Flood Maps of the Lower St. Mary's River

Alluvial Soils       USA Soils Map Units USA Soils Map Units Alfisols Andisols Aridisols Entisols Gelisols Histosols Inceptisols Mollisols Oxisols Spodosols Ultisols Vertisols Bodies of Water No Soil The Lower St. Mary's Watershed is characterized by the Entisols and Histosols that have collected along the river bed. The mucky marshlands are a major coastal habitat fed by parent soils upstream. Another common habitat in the watershed is coastal conifer forests. Spodosols commonly support forests in humid climates which matches this region.  FEMA Flood Plain FEMA AE flood zone is the base flood plain. Green and blue regions are subject to inundation from a 1% annual chance flood event. Large portions of the populated downtown district lie within this base flood plain and experience flooding events. Frequent inundation provides unique habitats called salt flats or marshland. Fish, invertebrates, and birds rely on the safety provided by marshland for breeding and raising young. 

Invasive Species, the Air Potato


Water Monitoring Equipment


Watershed Threats and Challenges

 Environmental Concerns in the St. Mary's Watershed

St. Mary's Riverkeeper

 St. Mary's Riverkeeper promotes a healthy river for everyone to enjoy.

Floods and Hurricanes

 Historically safe from Hurricanes, but there are exceptions

Watershed Use and Characteristics

  Dendrology  Bald Cypress- Taxodium distichum Loblolly Pine- Pinus taeda Gum- Nyssa sylvatica or Liquidambar styraciflua Magnolia- Magnolia grandiflora Red Maple- Acer rubrum Holly- Ilex opaca Poplar- Liriodendron tulipifera Willow- Salix caroliniana (coastal plain willow), Salix sericea (silky willow) and Salix nigra (black willow) River birch- Betula nigra Southern Red Oak- Quercus falcata

St. Mary's River Watershed

Area: 1300 Square Miles,  River Length: 130 miles  Headwaters: Okefenokee Swamp Tributaries: No major tributaries      Minor Tributaries: Little St. Mary's River, Spanish Creek Location: Runs through 4 counties, Camden and Charlton in Georgia, Nassau and Baker in Florida Population Centers: St. Mary's and Kingsland in Georgia, Yulee and Fernandina Beach in Florida Ohio Class Submarine returning to Kings Bay Sub Base in the St. Mary's River